Group Dynamics

Good News Keeps Rolling In! VATS Receives Several Prestigious Awards


Recently, VATS Liquor Store has received a flurry of good news, being honored with several awards.


In mid-March, VATS Liquor Store received the “Brand Promotion Award” trophy from Fenjiu Group, recognizing its outstanding contributions to promote the “Hutou Fenjiu” and “Qinghua Fenjiu 30 · Revival Edition” series in 2022.


The 6th China Golden Goblet Awards Ceremony for Liquor Industry Marketing took place in Haikou, Hainan, from February 21 to 24, where VATS Liquor Store was awarded the “Leading Enterprise Award”.


On February 21, the “2022 Annual Marketing Awards Ceremony for the Gujinggong Prestigious Liquor Family” took place in Bo’ao, Hainan. VATS Liquor Store distinguished itself among numerous operators with its remarkable performance and brand operation capabilities, and won the “Annual Contribution Award” for Gujinggong.


On February 16, “Yunxuetang” held its Annual Customer Meeting for the 2023 New Year at the Sunworld Dynasty Hotel in Beijing. “VATS e-Academy”, the online learning platform of VATS Liquor Store, was awarded the “Digital Learning Transformation Pioneer - Excellence Award” at the “4th Yuntu Awards Ceremony in 2022” hosted by “Yunxuetang”.